I will never forget the day our family went through identity theft. We traveled to California and our credit card information was stolen, with hundreds of dollars racked up in charges.
The 10 Best Ways To Fall Asleep On A Plane
I was on a flight from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale a couple of weeks ago, and I was absolutely exhausted. I had no stretch room, so I got a bit desperate and slept on my tray table.
When You Should Actually Book Your Next Vacation
My husband and I are planning to visit England and France next year, and we’re really excited. Unfortunately, planning a vacation halfway around the world isn’t cheap.
How To Fly Like A Pro
I’m pretty much a nightmare travel partner. My husband found this out on our honeymoon –– I overpacked, had to pay extra for my ultra-heavy bag, and almost overslept before our departing flight. So romantic.
How To Travel Internationally Without Jet Lag
When I was a kid, my family took a trip to Hawaii. It was only a time difference of six hours, but we were all miserable. I remember falling asleep at the dinner table.