According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of small businesses close within a year and only 50 % survive up to 5 years.
What Life Costs Around The World
As a twenty-something adult living in London, I’ve found that one of the most popular topics of conversation at any party is, ‘how much are you overpaying for your tiny room in a shared flat? It’s a depressing game, and one probably not played in other cities around the world, because according to this infographic, Londoners pay the most for housing out of all major city residents. But how do cities stack up according to other metrics?
Best States for Starting Your Small Business
Taxes. Nobody loves them, everybody has to pay them. It is hard enough having to pay all your taxes as a regular citizen,
6 Common Money Mistakes That Businesses Make
Having a business isn’t easy, but it is easy to get side-tracked and lose sight of what’s affecting your bottom line.
The Procrastinator’s Guide to Filing Income Tax
Oh I know, tax season isn’t for months! Why am I posting a procrastinator’s guide? Well, I know you, and like me I’ll wait until the last minute to file my taxes. No matter how many reminders, tax guides, or my tax lady annoying me. I’ll put it off, and keep putting it off.
Self-Employment In The UK
Being self-employed is a blessing and a curse. Those who take on this role give away the steady paycheck to blaze their own path to success. The awful hierarchy of corporations and middle management are left behind and a sense of adventure and risk fill one’s