In 2020, a college education is quite important. Thus, it is great to be informed on what tuition is looking like for colleges throughout the United States.
College Students Spend Their Student Loan Cash On Some Pretty Dumb Stuff
The national student loan debt increases every year, which is no surprise. Right now, it’s somewhere around $1.38 trillion. What might shock you is what students are doing with their student loan money.
The Best And Worst Financial Decisions People Make
Money management isn’t always easy. In a perfect world, we’d all have 401(k) plans and thousands of dollars in our savings accounts, but real life often gets in the way.
Debt Will Ruin Your Marriage
Debts can be hard enough to bear on your own, but they can also bring about the ultimate doom of partnerships.
Chapter 7 VS Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: What’s Best For You?
If you have found yourself in this discouraging situation with debt that you don’t know how to turn around, there is good news. You may be able to get relief through bankruptcy, which is legal way to have your debts forgiven.