

a brief history of how the hashtag started and how it has evolved

A Wild History Of #Hashtags

Hashtags seem like such a normal part of our culture that I almost didn’t believe that they were first invented in 2007. It seems like there is a hashtag for everything from reality TV shows, to really important current events.

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A Dive Into What’s Trending On Snapchat

Most people who use Snapchat probably don’t think of it as much more than a pleasant, amusing distraction- the puppy filter is a mood-booster, sure, but it might not strike you as a key commercial concept. But imagine, for a second, the endless waves of content and data swirling across Snapchat, and how valuable it must be. Helpfully, Snapchat themselves analyze and publish trends in that data- from the serious to the nonsensical- so we can all see what’s catching the public’s interest.

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