

A comparison of coronavirus and other diseases in terms of contagiousness

Just How Contagious Is Coronavirus?

When it comes to contagious diseases, there is a lot of misinformation out there. When people begin to panic it only makes things worse, and many of the facts get lost in a sea of myths. When everyone first began hearing about the coronavirus outbreak, one of the biggest questions people wonder is “how contagious is it?” 

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Deadliest Pandemics Of This Century

The Scariest Infectious Diseases Of Our Time

Every so often, a deadly virus swipes across the world resulting in millions of deaths. Some of them have been around for many years, yet we still have no cure for them. Although advancements in medicine have made treatment possible, another pandemic may very well be around the corner.

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Do You Have A Cold Or The Flu

Do You Have A Cold Or The Flu? Find Out Here

I get miserably sick almost every winter –– it’s like the world’s most miserable holiday tradition. I use “cold” and “flu” interchangeably since some of the symptoms are the same, but this convenient guide taught me how to tell the two apart.

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