We all love music. The type of music that we prefer may differ, but all of us react to our favorite tunes. Humans are wired to respond to rhythm and repetition.
The Art Of Becoming A Mentalist
In the 1950s Albert Mehrabian, a researcher of body language, found that communication really comes from about 7% words ,38% vocal (tone of voice, inflection, and other sounds), and 55% nonverbal.
Does Your Boss Secretly Hate You?
Have you ever had the feeling that your boss doesn’t like you? It may be that you’re overly sensitive. Perhaps you don’t understand her personality type…or maybe she really does hate you.
What Your Dreams Are Trying To Tell You
Do you remember your dreams? Even when you forget your dreams from the night before, you still dreamt for roughly two hours during the night. That means you’ve probably had one of the ten most common dreams people have.
9 Easy Ways To Get Repeat Customers
Back in the old, old days, like…the ’90s, there was an axiom that said “the client is always right.”
Simple Ways To Combat Office Fatigue
In the modern workplace, it is almost inevitable that we work at a desk and in front of a computer.
27 Easy Ways To Be Instantly Likeable
Most of us aim to be likable, surrounded by friends and colleagues who find us funny, endearing, or just fun to be around.
Crazy Ways Disney Uses Color Psychology
Color can say a lot about character and personality in any form of media, and Disney movies are no different.
Is Your Desk Set Up For Efficiency?
A cluttered desk can often hinder your ability to be as productive as possible. That’s why it’s good to occasionally take a moment to assess your current workspace. Is it helping or obstructing your productivity? If you’re not sure exactly what it looks like to have a workspace that maximizes productivity, then read on.
14 Ways To Get Into A Groove At Work
Everyone can feel unmotivated at times, but what’s important is being able to pull yourself out of a slump of tiredness or procrastination. There are simple, science-backed tips you can try right now that will help you get motivated to start working.