

body language pscyhology

The Art Of Becoming A Mentalist

In the 1950s Albert Mehrabian, a researcher of body language, found that communication really comes from about 7% words ,38% vocal (tone of voice, inflection, and other sounds), and 55%  nonverbal.

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Why You Should Be Worried About Your Posture

Modern lifestyles aren’t particularly conducive to having good posture. We sit at work, slump on our sofa, collapse into our cars, and generally don’t spend a moment thinking about our spines. Nevertheless, we should, because having good posture is more important than you think.

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The Surprising Truth Behind Neck Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient practice, but it’s still mysterious to many people. Does it actually work, and if so, how? Does it hurt? Is it dangerous? This helpful guide can answer some of those questions, and explain how acupuncture can help those with neck pain.

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