One of the most important parts of any piece of literature is the opening line. Today’s infographic contains 34 of the most iconic opening lines.
Where Has The Millennium Falcon Been?
One of the most iconic vehicles in all of cinematic history is the Millennium Falcon from the legendary Star Wars saga.
How Long Would Your Fav Superhero Live?
One of the defining parts of being a comic superhero is being in grave danger at any given moment. However, what if the only thing these heroes had to worry about were natural causes?
The Evolution Of Geekdom
The word ‘geek’ is an increasingly positive one in today’s society. From debates about what exactly separates a geek from a nerd to Best Buy literally naming their tech support department the “Geek Squad”, it’s obvious that geeks are having a moment.
Darth Vader’s Suit Would Cost $18.3 Million In Real Life
I’ll admit it. I’m not much of a Star Wars fan. I tried to watch the first movie and ended up falling asleep halfway through. Even though I can’t appreciate George Lucas’s genius, I do love the ridiculously cool costumes.