The moon is our closest neighbor and yet, as this infographic demonstrates, we actually know very little about it.
A Moon Man’s Career Highlights
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
This iconic phrase is known to almost all individuals, whether young or old.
How To Track The Sun’s Movements Wherever You Are
It’s been a while since (most) people stopped believing that the sun rotates around the Earth, but if you watch the sun move across the sky, it’s surprisingly easy to see how the myth arose.
Learn More About The Men & Women Who’ve Gone To Space
Space: the final frontier. From the great space race between the USSR and the United States to Elon Musk’s SpaceX program, we have always been fascinated with what lies beyond our atmosphere.
Anatomy of Total Solar Eclipses
The last one in the continental US was in 1979 and on average it can take hundreds of years for one to reoccur at the exact same spot. But it’s coming Monday Aug 21, a total solar eclipse!
Can Tech Save Us from Global Warming?
Even if we stop human activities from putting any more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere tomorrow, we’re still going to have a rough ride.
50 Amazing Facts About the Moon
The moon is something we tend to take for granted. It inhabits our legends, myths, fairy tales and horror stories as far back as human memory can stretch.