My husband and I are planning to visit England and France next year, and we’re really excited. Unfortunately, planning a vacation halfway around the world isn’t cheap.
Cooking At Home Vs. Dining Out: Is It Worth The Savings?
I’m not a great cook. I’d love to be the kind of person who whips something up using whatever’s in the fridge, but I’m more likely to call the closest pizza place and ask how long delivery will take.
This Cheat Sheet Will Help You Ace Finals
I’ve been out of college for two years, and I still have the same re-occuring nightmare: I show up to class without studying for a huge exam and end up failing miserably. That dream was my reality a couple of times in school.
How To Work From Home Without Hating Your Life
There are a lot of benefits to working from home, but it can be hard to stay motivated and get work done. On my work from home days, I have to fight the urge to stay in my pajamas all day.
Eight Scientific Ways To Improve Your Relationship
Marriage and long-term relationships are both hard work. Once the excitement wears off and the butterflies disappear, it can be difficult to remember why you fell in love. (Especially if they always leave the toilet seat up.)
How To Fly Like A Pro
I’m pretty much a nightmare travel partner. My husband found this out on our honeymoon –– I overpacked, had to pay extra for my ultra-heavy bag, and almost overslept before our departing flight. So romantic.
How To Travel Internationally Without Jet Lag
When I was a kid, my family took a trip to Hawaii. It was only a time difference of six hours, but we were all miserable. I remember falling asleep at the dinner table.
The Ultimate Party Trick: Learn How To Solve A Rubik’s Cube
I’m not the most patient person in the world. I leave crossword and Sudoku puzzles unfinished all the time, so I’ve never seriously attempted a Rubik’s cube.
These Foods And Beverages Are Awful For Your Teeth
There’s nothing quite like a winning smile. But even if you’re brushing your teeth and flossing regularly, you could be sabotaging your oral health with your diet.
Ten Interview Questions That Make You Sound Dumb
There’s nothing like the anxiety that shows up a few minutes before a job interview. You’re crossing your fingers and hoping nerves don’t get the best of you.