I, like most others, enjoy junk food from time to time. Yes, we all know it’s not good for us but a break from the kitchen and an impulse buy is all good when it comes to eating junk food. With so many junk food choices vendors have to come up with something a little different to stand out from the competition.
A Terrifying Look At Fair Food Nutrition
Who doesn’t love visiting their local state or county fair during the summer? There are various reasons that fairs are always so packed with people, but one of the most popular is the serious eats that fairs have become famous for.
Here’s What It Takes To Burn Off The Calories In Junk Food
“Just one unhealthy meal won’t hurt, right?” If you’re like most people, this thought has crossed your mind even on a strict diet. Maybe it was a late night when only McDonald’s was open, or when that slice of cake just looked too good to pass up.
How Much Cardio Does it Take to Burn Off a Big Mac?
Thinking about how much exercise you’d have to do to burn the calories from junk food is a smart move.