The time people—and especially kids—spend in front of a screen has been a topic of much attention ever since the television became a common household item.
How To Deal With An Internet Outage
There’s nothing more frightening than losing your internet. Nothing. Which is why sometimes we need to poke fun at ourselves and laugh a bit.
Millennials and Media Consumption: How Much Is Too Much?
I like my media like I like my coffee –– I need it as soon as I wake up. I’m not alone in this, either. People consume digital media like it is our breakfast, lunch and dinner.
This Is What Happens On The Internet In 60 Seconds
Even though a minute feels like an eternity when you’re waiting for microwaved food to be ready, sixty seconds isn’t really that much time. But a lot can happen in those seconds, especially on the Internet.
15 Terrifying Statistics About Cell Phone Addiction
Like many millennials, I’m inseparable from my phone. There aren’t many places I go without having a connection to the outside world. But did you know that the average person checks their cell phone over 100 times a day?