Thinking about how much exercise you’d have to do to burn the calories from junk food is a smart move.
10 Wacky Burgers from Around the World
These tasty mouthfuls will stretch your idea of what can get go between two (or maybe three) buns. Would you like pickled lemon with that?
Video Games Can Improve Your Health
Harnessing the power of one of the modern era’s most enjoyable past times, video games, to increase fitness and health is a great idea.
Why Pets Make Us Happy
It’s no secret that humans love having pets of all shapes and sizes, and turn to them for comfort and entertainment.
4 Sleeping Patterns You Didn’t Know About
Humans have always been looking for way to improve efficiency and return in their lives. It’s one of our best
What You Need in an Office Chair
We’ve all heard about how terrible sitting all day is for you, and most of us can attest to
About to Take a Flight? Reassure Yourself With These Air Safety Stats
I try to do my morbid, paranoid plane crash Googling after I take a flight, but sometimes willpower fails me.
Is Salt Intake Leading Towards Obesity?
You know how most people have an undeniable sweet tooth that sends them hurling towards cupcakes, candy, and sodas? I kind of wish I had that, but I have a salty tooth. Too many sweets or something too sweet will give me a tummy ache, along with a throbbing headache.
What Happens To Your Body After Your Last Cigarette
Smoking is an epidemic in our world. Countries like America, Australia and parts of Europe have huge organizations working towards ending smoking, but none have completely banned the act. Unfortunately countries in Southeast Asia have some of the worst smoking laws leading to many children smoking before they’re a teenager.
How To Wear A Waist Trainer
If you hope to lose weight and get a slimmer figure in 2016, you are not alone! Polls have shown that weight loss is the most common New Year’s resolution.