We have something in common regardless of age, income or marital status –– everyone uses the bathroom. (I’m sure we have more in common than that, but we’re focusing on bathroom habits today.)
Average American Bowel Habits: This Is How We Poop
Everyone poops. It’s sometimes embarrassing to talk about, but you can learn a lot about your digestive health from your time in the bathroom.
How Each Generation Exercises At Work
Some of us have jobs that keep us on our feet — shout-out to all of the waiters and valet drivers out there. But if you’re stuck at a desk all the time, how do you get in some exercise during the workday?
The 5 Minute Office Workout
Sitting is death! Or something like that. In any case, there’s no way that all that sitting is doing you any good, office workers.
How to Turn a Bad Day Around
Some days the world is quite simply against you, but there’s no need to accept that misery is your lot.
How Get a Good Night’s Sleep Away From Home
When you’re away from home you want to be well rested and on top of your game, but it’s not always easy.
The Science of Staying Warm
Mom always told you to wrap up, and she’s not wrong, but the reason that cold can make us ill might surprise you.
Top Seven Injuries Caused By Car Accidents
Car accidents are some of the most startling events that most of us experience at least once during our lifetime. If we’re lucky we may walk away from the wreck with some seatbelt bruises and an airbag burn, but a lot of others are not so lucky.
The Ultimate Guide to Reheating Food
Reheating food is thrifty and yummy, and with this infographic, you can make sure that you’re getting the basics right.
12 Reasons Your Brain Needs Vacations
It’s one thing to feel like you need a break, it’s another thing to convince yourself that you should take one.