Many restaurants and manufacturers have come under fire for using a chemical called MSG, or Monosodium glutamate, in their food. People have reported symptoms like headaches, nausea and even heart palpitations. But is MSG really as dangerous as people make it out to be? Let’s dive into the science.
This Is Your Body & Brain On Anger
Anger is one of the strongest emotions we’re capable of feeling, so it’s only natural that it affects our physical and mental states in a major way. But you may be surprised to find out just how much it can change your brain.
Learn More About How Coughing Affects Your Health
Flu season is finally ending, but it’s been a brutal one, especially for people who live in densely populated area. Even though we won’t have to worry about the flu epidemic for much longer, experts are already thinking about next year’s flu season — and it’s important to know which symptoms to look for.
10 Proven Ways To Improve Your Sleep
Imagine this: you just changed into a cozy set of PJs, crawled into bed with a nice comforter, and closed your eyes.
Which Sports Have The Highest Fatality Rates?
Life expectancy around the world has come a long way in the last century due to modern medicine and other advancements. Even so, we aren’t invincible, and we’ll all die at some point.
16 Scientifically Proven Ways To Cheer Someone Up
Have you ever felt absolutely helpless when you noticed a friend was feeling down? Well, the hormones produced by our brains are responsible for positive emotions, and learning how to activate them can help you cheer someone (or yourself) up.
50 Health-Conscious Snacks That Are Under 100 Calories
When I’m not hungry enough to eat a full meal, I grab a snack. The problem is, I don’t take calories into consideration, which can lead to some overindulgence.
9 Habits Of People Who Try To Stay Fit
Can we talk about why some people are healthy and happy every day, while people like me are constantly exhausted and unmotivated? How do those perky people do it?
4 Ways To Get Help For Clinical Depression
It’s normal to experience sad feelings occasionally. With all of the things that you face during your lifetime, emotional changes and mood swings are commonplace.