Since online shopping is not new to us, you might think more people are buying online, but the items we shop for haven’t changed much…at least until COVID-19.
14 Steps For A Better Work-Life Balance
One of the biggest complaints anyone has about their job is the lack of a balance between their work and their life. Younger generations are finding this harder to achieve due to the generally lower salary, while still holding heavy responsibilities in their roles at work.
14 Hangover Cures You’ll Swear By
A bad hangover after a night of drinking is something that I’m sure absolutely no one looks forward to.
Why Kids Need To Play Now More Than Ever
With all that is going on around us in this day and age, it is important to remember to both play and laugh whenever we get a chance to.
Your Ultimate Guide To Veggie Gardens
I love to putter around in the garden and I have often toyed around with the idea of starting a vegetable garden.
Simple Ways To Combat Office Fatigue
In the modern workplace, it is almost inevitable that we work at a desk and in front of a computer.
Crazy Ways COVID-19 Affects Everybody
There are very few places on Earth that have been unaffected by the Covid-19 virus. It’s effects have been felt across the world and in every aspect of our lives.
6 Miracle Herbs You Can Grow At Home
You don’t need much space to grow your own healing herbs. Some of the best known, most effective medicinal herbs will grow in a pot on your window sill or on a small veranda.
Why You Should Choose Your Own Meat
Most of us don’t give too much thought to the origins of the meat that we eat. Perhaps we should.
The Evolution Of American School Lunch
Nutrition standards have changed in America throughout the years, and one indicator of this is the school lunches served to our nation’s children.