Changes are coming to the housing market in the wake of 2020 so far, and this infographic helps outline precisely what those changes are.
15 Ways Millennials Are Changing How We Do Things
Millennials have been given a bad reputation in many media outlets from being blamed for “killing” off certain industries, to having an untraditional outlook on dating. Although there has been a proven shift in generational tendencies, there are many factors at play here.
The New Kids On The Block: Gen Z & Alpha
The term “generation gap” has been used since the 1960s. At the time, conservative parents were astonished at how the younger generation seemed compelled to go against everything that they held dear.
The Truth About America’s Music Taste
One of the most obvious aspects of American culture is our music. Whether we realize it or not, we are exposed to music constantly and it has becoming engrained in almost every part of our lives.
The Lit Guide To Marketing To Millennials
Millennials make up the majority of customers around the world. Are you making an effort to target them in your marketing campaigns? Check out some strategies that have worked (and a few that haven’t!) to make sure your campaign appeals to millennials.
Are Millennials Struggling More Than Previous Generations?
Called the most visible generation, millennials appear to struggle more than previous generations. Have the news stories got it wrong?