Spotting the signs of an eating disorder may seem tough, but by noticing just a few key warning signs you may be able to help someone get the help they need.
Understanding Facts About Unregistered Food Sellers
It’s a well-known fact that social media is here to stay. It is also known that it has provided people with an amazing opportunity to connect with others,
How Much Protein Do We Actually Need?
Protein is an essential food that keeps the body fit and healthy by maintaining/building the cells in the muscles, bones, and organs.
Surprising Stats Behind America’s Favorite Food
Have you ever taken a bite of your hamburger and wondered, “how much money goes into what I am eating?” While the burger itself may only cost $5-$10, the economics of this meal span a far greater price.
Looking At The Many Faces of Sugar
Misleading advertising is a given in today’s day and age. One example is how the word ‘sugar’ is marketed, or in these cases, not marketed.
Delicious Green Smoothies – Fast Food for Healthy Living
Green leafy vegetables are an essential part of any diet, and most people don’t get enough of them. Why not make a delicious green smoothie and boost your daily intake?
How To Survive And Thrive During The Top 10 Types Of Apocalypse
I’m sure this is something that has worried you in the past. What terrible world-ending event will come and how could I ever survive it?!
What You Need To Understand About The Keto Diet
The Ketogenic Diet is a low-carb diet designed to help send the body into a state of ketosis.
Are You Brave Enough To Try These Peppers?
The Scoville heat scale is a measurement of the heat of chili peppers and other spicy foods. Today we look at the heat of chili peppers ranked by this scale.
Reasons You Need More Chocolate In Your Life
Do you prefer dark chocolate or milk chocolate? If you answered dark, then you may be happy to know that dark chocolate has numerous health benefits! There are many nutrients found in dark chocolate that helps the functions of your body and brain.