Did you know that it is possible to change your eye color whenever you want? Technology has come along way, to where now we are able to use color contact lenses to change our eye color to the one we’ve either always wished we had, or just one that we are feeling for one day.
This Underreported Impairment Causes Hallucinations
Ever gone into a concert with the noise level practically blasting away your ears? Stared at a computer screen for hours on end? Taking our five senses for granted, when they are functioning well, is fairly common.
The Worst Parts Available On The Black Market
How’s this for a ghoulish proposition…putting organs on the market is a shocking practice that hopefully does not happen very often.
How to Tell if your Kid Needs Glasses
Poor eyesight is more common than you’d expect. Learn the facts to determine if your kid needs glasses early on in childhood.
How Screentime Affects Your Body And What You Can Do
Everywhere we look, people are staring at their phones or computers. Something tells me the caveman in us wasn’t wired for this, but escaping screens is impossible in our digital world.