Writing a resume can be intimidating, particularly if you’re breaking into a highly specialized job market like nursing. Luckily, this infographic can help you write the ideal resume that will show why you’re a perfect fit for the job.
Should You “Write Drunk, Edit Sober” Ala Ernest Hemingway?
If you are a writer or editor, you may have heard the famous advice “write drunk, edit sober” , supposedly from Ernest Hemingway.
Hollywood is Obsessed with Orange and Blue
Once you starting looking for orange and blue in movies, trailers, and posters you can’t help but notice that it’s everywhere.
The Perfect Art Career For Your Personality Type
Being a creative, or labeled as an artist isn’t associated with ‘starving’ anymore. Photo editing, communication design, architecture, front end development, marketing and advertising are just some of the many artistic careers that can end up paying a very healthy wage.