Ever had the nasty feeling that you’re being manipulated? All of us encounter manipulation at some time in our lives.
This Is The Best Way To Relax & Ditch Perfectionism
I think it’s safe to say that at some point in life, you’ve aimed for perfection. You might be striving for all A’s, hoping for a cushy promotion or working for a dream body.
10 Companies that Control the Food Industry
Here I was thinking that the free market system has hundreds of companies globally competing to earn our hard-earned dollars, but the crowd seems to be alot thinner than I imagined.
Cloud Storage VS Server: The Battle of the EHR’s
When it comes to choosing a Cloud vs Server EHR system, Cloud EHR companies would have you believe the convenience of free updates, low cost implementation and internet based access outweighs all the benefits of using a Sever EHR. Truth is, Cloud EHR users would sacrifice significant control and money over such modest conveniences.
Emotional Intelligence Isn’t Being Nice To People
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is not a means to manipulation. Emotional Intelligence is a key for its user to create positive movement in the work force, at home, and just about anywhere else one might find interaction. EI is characterized by the awareness, control,