Maybe moving back home wasn’t such a bad idea after all!
10 Mind-Blowing Feats Of Global Engineering
It is quite easy to feel amazed at some of the biggest engineering feats around the world.
A Winding History Of The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall of China is, without doubt, one of the greatest engineering feats of the ancient world. According to urban legend, it is the only manmade structure that is visible from the moon.
Why We Need More Women In Construction
The construction industry is perhaps one of the oldest (and probably one the most conservative) industries out there.
A Race For The “Tallest Building” Title
The title of “world’s tallest building” is one goal many architects wish to meet one day. Today’s infographic focuses on those buildings that were able to meet this goal.
Top 10 Modern Construction Marvels
People all over the world have always been amazed by the largest achievements in human engineering.
The Growth Of This Household Industry Could Surprise You
Growth trends and industry forecasts are often discussed in large-scale terms that deal with large industries: construction, agriculture, technology. But within each industry, it’s equally important to consider growth stratagems in more niche areas. And when it comes to construction, the latest area of growth may surprise you: kitchen cabinetry.
Our State Capitol Buildings: How Do They Measure Up?
State capitol buildings are examples of fairly standard but impressive pieces of architecture. Not only are they appreciable
10 Effortless Tips to Waking Up Earlier
I’m not going to lie, today’s infographic actually has some good advice for waking up at the crack of dawn. I’ve never been one for caffeine, but I do noticed that avoiding the ‘nightcap’ of an alcoholic drink can lead to better sleep. Going to bed at a reasonable time and not being on the computer right before bed are also some good pieces of advice. You wanna know what’s really helped me get up in the morning? Construction.
Self-Employment In The UK
Being self-employed is a blessing and a curse. Those who take on this role give away the steady paycheck to blaze their own path to success. The awful hierarchy of corporations and middle management are left behind and a sense of adventure and risk fill one’s