When you upgrade your phone, what do you do with your old one? Some people resell their old phone if it is in working condition. However, if it is broken in any way, many people just either keep them laying around as clutter, or they throw them in the trash. There is an alternative though, you can recycle your phones as a more eco-friendly option!
Cell Phone Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts
We’ve all experienced that thoughtless person who yells down the phone in a public place or the “friend” who thinks it’s okay to check incoming messages in the middle of a conversation.
What Actually Happens To Those Old Electronics?
Before you throw out your old electronics, remember that there is a better way to dispose of them.
The Harsh Realities of Distracted Driving
The myths surrounding cell phones and driving are alarming. Recent data debunks these myths and proves distracted driving occurs with all forms of mobile use.
How Screentime Affects Your Body And What You Can Do
Everywhere we look, people are staring at their phones or computers. Something tells me the caveman in us wasn’t wired for this, but escaping screens is impossible in our digital world.
How To Find A Phone Number
When I get nostalgic I think of the days when I had to remember my friend’s phone number, or look it up in a phone book to call.
15 Terrifying Statistics About Cell Phone Addiction
Like many millennials, I’m inseparable from my phone. There aren’t many places I go without having a connection to the outside world. But did you know that the average person checks their cell phone over 100 times a day?