Most people enjoy an alcoholic beverage from time to time, but you probably don’t always make sure that you’re using the proper glass for whatever drink you’re consuming. It may not seem very important, yet pairing the correct glass with your drink can enhance the way it tastes, and the ease of how you can drink it.
USA’s Best and Worst Tippers: American Tipping Habits
Last November, I spent the month in Europe traveling to some of the continent’s most famous cities. Besides googling the normal amount of words like bathroom, check, wine, please and thank you in whichever foreign language needed at the time, I also searched for that country’s tipping etiquette.
More Martinis Please: How to Order, Prepare and Drink a Proper Martini
A newcomer to the bar scene can be pretty lost when it comes to the spread of cocktails that are available and the etiquette involved with ordering. Although today’s infographic focuses mainly on martinis, I’d like to speak a bit about the general bar