Many people see chocolate as an unhealthy snack that they need to watch how much of it they consume at a time. However, when it comes to dark chocolate, this method of thinking could be all wrong.
What You Should Know About Kwanzaa
Although Kwanzaa is a relatively new holiday in the United States, it is still an important cultural holiday for many people. Observed from December 26th to January 1st, Kwanzaa is a celebration of heritage often observed in addition to Christmas and New Year.
How To Meet Like-Minded People On Vacation
You’re on the beach, enjoying the sun and reading a juicy novel, and then a baby starts wailing nearby.
Safari at Kruger Park – What to Expect?
Driving down a dirt path, wind in my hair, with a guy holding a shotgun in the front seat, that’s how
Plugs Of The World: Know Before You Go
I traveled to Europe last November with almost everything I needed. The one necessity that slipped my mind was outlet adapters. I was too lucky that my friend in school over there had a plethora of plugs for me to use while I traversed Western Europe. One plug I got know well was a huge pain: Switzerland.
Global Disturbances: Locating Today’s Terrorist Groups [Interactive]
Click here to experience Point Park University’s Interactive infographic.
Terrorist groups have dominated news headlines for decades and thanks to the proliferation of unstable countries in Africa and the Middle East extreme groups have gained more ground than ever
Oil Dependence
We are providing you with the results of a study of the influence of the price of oil (Brent) on exchange rates, which was conducted in May 2015 by EXNESS analyst Sergei Kochergin.