

Technology through the years infographic

Technology Through The Years [interactive infographic]

Click here for the interactive infographic.

For much of our history, technological innovation has occurred at a relatively slow but constant rate, but it’s safe to say that this is no longer the case. According to Moore’s law, computer processing speed doubles every 18 months; scientists now suggest that all technological change grows at an exponential rate. As futurist Ray Kurzweil put it in 2001, “We won’t experience 100 years

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Emerging Technologies Transforming Enterprise IT Infographic

The Tech Evolution & How Business is Responding

Today’s networks are like a spider web, interconnected and transferring data, supporting applications, and reaching far and wide across the business. Dinosaurs like the mainframe are all but a thing of the past with the evolution and explosion of new tech. The abundance of data has given ris

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Flowchart How Instagram Started Infographic

Flowchart: How Instagram Started

It all seem so easy when looking at today’s flowchart. It seems like something I could do in my spare time. It also looks like a lot of luck went into Instagram’s success, but I have a feeling it was just a lot of hard work.

Marketing artists vs marketing scientists infographic

Marketing: Data Analysis vs. Creative Marketing

In a day and age where data analysis software, like Google Analytics, reigns supreme in the digital marketing industry, marketing departments have been forced to adjust their strategies accordingly.  The days of Mad Men styled creative marketing agencies are a thing of the past.

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