

A Brief History of the Swegway Infographic

The Rise of Hoverboards and A Brief History of the Segway

Like most people I’ve ridden a Segway around town before and although it was fun, I noticed it’s clunkiness and size made it not feasible for everyday use. Recently sans patents on the technology in China, hoverboards, or small segway platforms are sweeping the nation. For 300 to 400 dollars one can purchase a hoverboard and maneuver through their city without taking a step.

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Instagrammers Follow Brands Chart Infographic

How Branding and Instagram Go Hand-in-Hand

Instagram has become a mega player for promotion of products and services. From local bike shops to international event producers, creating an inviting and creative voice is vital. As an avid Instagram user myself I’ve also witnessed my own transition from funny and artsy pictures of my friends to following big names like Doritos.

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Ip address ran out infographic

So The Internet Ran Out Of IP Addresses…

You may know a lot about IP addresses, but if you’re like me you don’t know much. Sure, I use my IP address to access my router when it breaks, but do I know what my IP address actually stands for? Today’s infographic has helped me answer some of these questions.

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Last 15 Years of Technological Advancement Infographic

The Last 15 Years of Technological Advancement

Since Y2K the advancement of technology has been exponential. Thanks to better internet speeds and innovation competition our obsession with the next big thing has led the tech industry into one of the largest and fastest growing in America.

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How The World Uses Twitter Infographic

How The World Uses Twitter

Twitter has been in the headlines recently for not reaching growth benchmarks and failing to innovate vs some of their competitors like Facebook and Pinterest. Let’s take a step back from the negative aspects and look at what Twitter is today.

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