No one likes spending money, but some purchases feel more pointless than others. Paying for gas is one of my least favorite expenses, so this infographic is the best news I’ve seen all day.
15 Terrifying Statistics About Cell Phone Addiction
Like many millennials, I’m inseparable from my phone. There aren’t many places I go without having a connection to the outside world. But did you know that the average person checks their cell phone over 100 times a day?
Flying Cars: Are We There Yet?
Is it a bird? A plane? A flying car you say? Growing up watching the Jetsons, I’d always dreamed of my own flying
Immunotherapy: The Next Frontier for Treating Disease
What is Immunotherapy? It is an approach which uses a person’s own immune system to fight or prevent disease. This includes giving immune cells reinforcements to do their job, but how does that work?
The Story Behind Everyday Stuff That Surrounds Us
Sometimes we get caught up in our everyday lives and we forget to stop and think about simple things around us. Stuff like
8 Content Marketing Tools To Improve Visitor Loyalty
Today’s infographic will help you with some of the most important aspects of customer relations. Interacting with customers when and where they need it will create a valuable partnership. Recommendations, customer service, customer experience and research are some of the building blocks to creating a loyal base.
The History of Luminoso
Luminoso has been a leading AI based analytics company for over half a decade now. With only offering a research tool at first, Luminoso is now offering two major products and three implementation options. Their growth is not unprecedented when looking at their history.
4 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand Online
Around a decade ago, only artists started to put their portfolios under personal websites. It wasn’t until the late 2000’s that everyone noticed a polished personal online brand could lead to a better job.
Video Game Development By Language [Interactive]
Click here for the interactive infographic!
Video games have become one of the most popular segments of the entertainment industry. With beautiful games like Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption it is hard to remember where all of it started.
Google’s Return of the Penguin: How Will It Impact Your SEO?
Search Engine Optimization is nothing new. Google has been fighting link manipulation for a while now and the new Penguin 4.0 will help fine-tune the search for black hat contributors.