How often do you think “Boy, I hate my job. I wish I could do something else, but there aren’t enough job opportunities out there”? Learn how to use the market changes for your benefit!
History Of IoT
IoT surrounds you every day, even if you do not notice it. What comes to mind first when thinking of IoT? Perhaps wearables or smart home devices like smart refrigerators.
The Evolution Of Explosive Social Media Growth
Over the last 8 years, the number of social media users grew by the billions. Who are these users and where are they from?
The Chilling Guide To The End Of The World
All of the typical threats to humanity found in dystopian movies are on today’s infographic, from evolved diseases that create sweeping plagues to climate change, and even vengeful robots.
The Ultimate Copywriting Cheat Sheet For Social Media
With the dawn of the internet, digital marketing has become a race to dominant several social platforms. With the rise of different mediums, sharing an identical message on every network just won’t cut it.
This is Where Augmented Reality Is Headed
If you think augmented reality is something reserved for Pokemon Go and the like, you might be in for a surprise. Most consumers are exposed to AR every day!
Is Your Social Media Strategy Profitable?
Being active in social media is a no-brainer for most businesses nowadays. But are you really doing it right?
Should You Be Afraid Of Machine Learning?
Have you ever bought something on Amazon from the “Things you’d like” section or have you ever watched a video recommended by YouTube? On both websites, products and videos are recommended to you based on a machine learning algorithm.
A Robot Could Steal Your Job One Day
You probably feel secure in your job. But what if someone steals your position one day? And not just anyone, but a competitor you won’t ever be able to beat?
Why You Should Never Ignore Your Car’s Suspension System
When you think about a car’s performance, you may think of horsepower and torque — but that power to accelerate is useless without control.