Shame is a painful emotion that most of us will feel at one stage or another. It shows up as a poor evaluation of self. Guilt on the other hand is a feeling of remorse, the knowledge that you have done something wrong.
9 Apocalyptic Foods That Outlast Twinkies
If you’re stocking up on food items that will last for decades, this infographic could serve you well. Not many of us plan to hunker down in the basement for years, but this list may come in handy for the conspiracy theorists out there.
Hollywood’s Top 13 Killer Actors
In nearly all cinema, death is bound to occur. It’s simply part of the storytelling process and really makes the stakes seem higher.
Where Are You Most Likely To Spot UFOs?
Throughout history, the idea of extraterrestrial or otherwise otherworldly life has intrigued humans. This is emphasized by the staggering amount of UFO reports in both the United States and Canada.
11 Great Women In STEM You Need to Hear About
As kids of all ages go through their studies, they get to learn of all the great men in history
55 Amazing Birds Ranked By Size
When we think of birds, typically we think of the smaller birds we see flying around our residences and whatnot.
10 Mind-Blowing Feats Of Global Engineering
It is quite easy to feel amazed at some of the biggest engineering feats around the world.
The U.S. Cities With Wildly Changing Populations
As our country continues to grow both in terms of people and overall knowledge, it is important to keep track of where the population is increasing/decreasing.
How To Survive And Thrive During The Top 10 Types Of Apocalypse
I’m sure this is something that has worried you in the past. What terrible world-ending event will come and how could I ever survive it?!