Hint: Jump from the stratosphere. This infographic tries to get your brain to realize the scale of the Felix Baumgartner jump.
Faster Than a Speeding Mantis Shrimp Fist
This fabulous animated infographic from the good people at Smarter Every Day illustrates the mechanism by which mantis shrimp claws produce incredible power.
World’s Weirdest Pet Laws
You might think that the leash laws in your city are a bother, but at least you aren’t banned from “displaying your cat” after 8PM.
The Mind-Boggling Pace of Computing
The smartphone that is probably within arm’s reach of you now has more computing power than the Apollo missions to the moon. No, really.
11 Mind-Blowing Starbucks Facts
You know Starbucks is a big deal, whether you’re topping up your rewards card balance or walking the extra
Why Smiling Is So Contagious
Cheeeeeeese! Showing off your pearly whites isn’t just something we do for pictures. We tend to smile any time we seem to be enjoying ourselves. In America, I’ve noticed we smile at strangers, especially in the south.
Gravitational Waves: What They Mean
Gravitational waves, predicted by Albert Einstein, were just proved that they exist, but what are they?
How to Clean Your House in Half The Time
This guide doesn’t include just half-assing all of your cleaning either. Cleaning from top to bottom is the main idea behind the graphic today. Dust particles and other dirt and grime will fall to the floor thanks to the magic of gravity. This leaves you with a less dirty house once you sweep and mop.
20 Common Ways We Make Bad Decisions
“You’re only human” is a quote we hear all too often, but it’s in our nature to make bad decisions. Attributes likes the bandwagon effect or overconfidence we’ve heard of before. Groupthink can hurt creativity and individuality, but it can also have dangerous outcomes.