

blogging in 2020

How Blogging Is Different In 2020

The modern world of blogging is one full of fierce competition, high standards, and a seemingly endless number of posts being published every day.  Indeed, with over 70 million posts published on WordPress alone each and every month, it may be even more ridiculous than you thought.

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Who’s Talking To Their Devices?

The answer seems to be nearly everyone! People have been talking into phones for over a century, of course, and text-to-speech transcription is no longer a new technology. However, thanks to AI, our computers and speakers are talking back and (more ominously) always listening.

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The Secret To Using LinkedIn For Your Small Business

In some ways, marketing has gotten easier as the Internet Age continues. If you have a small business, in particular, social media offers you several free, powerful tools to reach customers and promote your product. However, just because social networks like LinkedIn are free doesn’t mean they’re easy to use. Indeed, there are some crucial mistakes to avoid. So, it’s important to have a strong LinkedIn strategy in place if you want to market yourself successfully.

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