Research shows that 43% of women and 31% of men have experienced a low sex drive at different periods of their life. It’s a problem that creates frustration, which in turn decreases the desire for sex even more. Luckily, there are quite a few natural ways to boost your libido.
Crazy Ways Emoticons Boost Team Productivity
Emojis are life when it comes to posting on social media or texting friends and family, but in a work environment? Get your smileys ready, too!
Easy Ways To Spot A Liar A Mile Away
Did you know that more than 80% of lies go undetected? That means people have been lying to your face all this time. Save face and avoid misunderstandings, here are some basic signs that make it easy to spot any liar.
The Hipster’s Guide To ROI
Marketing and business terms can be a beast. For non-experts, it can all seem like fancy mumbo-jumbo. Here’s a funny way to keep track of some basic ROI terms!
How To Strategically Catch The Bouquet
If you have been a single lady and attended a wedding, chances are you probably got in line to catch the bouquet.
Who Are Americas Toilet Texters? The Dirty Cell Phone Habits Study
A recent survey says that 3 out 4 Americans don’t go to the toilet without their smartphones – another sign that phone addiction is getting out of control!
Hangover Tricks That Actually Work
One of the most painful and cruel signs of aging is noticing your hangovers getting worse. It seems like it would be more fair the other way round, no? As a carefree student, I had time to sleep in after a big party, and yet I’d be up and full of energy. Now, as a stressed-out young professional, every drinking occasion mandates a full day (or two) of fetal-position recovery. Life’s just not fair. Luckily, if you’re old and fatigued like me, there are a few hangover tricks that can ease your misery.
April Fool’s Jokes Are Actually Good For Your Health
Ever thought about giving someone donuts filled with mayonnaise? Or maybe filling their toothpaste tube with horseradish? If so, then you probably enjoy a quality April Fool’s prank. Before your victim strangles you, try to explain that you’re actually looking out for their health.
Can One Infographic Teach You What Women Want?
Well, this isn’t clickbait, so I’ll go ahead and say it: no, an infographic cannot teach you what women want, because women aren’t a monolith with one standard set of opinions. But this tongue-in-cheek infographic still offers a fun look into what online dating searches can tell us about modern romance.
The Funniest And Weirdest Dutch Idioms
The Dutch are interesting folk. Not only are they some of the tallest people in the world, but they also enjoy tons of canals in their homeland.