

infographic describes how to get hired, recruitment trends, how to land a great job

How To Find Your Dream Job In 2018

Hiring trends continue to change as the world evolves — what worked in 2008 won’t work today. We can credit technology for a lot of these changes —  more than 43 percent of U.S. employees have worked remotely at some time. As a job seeker, your expectations and your knowledge will help you land your dream job. Find out more about recruitment trends in the U.S.

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infographic describes the various costs between different states in the U.S.

This Is How Far One Hundred Dollars Will Go In Each State

How much is $100 worth to you? If you’re 8 years old and get $10 from your grandma on your birthday, $100 dollars would probably seem like winning the lottery. On the other hand, if you have three kids, $100 is nice, but it won’t change your life. Everyone values money differently, and where you live also determines how far a dollar goes.

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infographic describes the potential pitfalls of retirement

Why Retirement Isn’t Always Relaxing

Some say that golf is a good walk ruined, but any popular golf club will likely have its fair share of retirees enjoying themselves. You may look on with envy, but retirement isn’t always as leisurely as we may expect.

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