Everybody knows how important it is to be online nowadays, especially if you’re in business.
How Toxic Can Your Manager Get?
If you’ve ever had the misfortune to report to a toxic manager, you’ll know it’s far from funny. This infographic puts these toxic management styles into neat boxes, describes them, and offers some advice on how to manage the boss’s shortfalls.
22 Nifty Keyboard Tricks to Save You Time
They say if you want something done quickly, give it to a busy person. I’m one of those people who is always looking for a shortcut to finish a job fast. That’s why I found this chart so interesting.
Statistics Show TikTok Is Tik-Taking Over
TikTok hasn’t quite reached the heights of its competitors, but that doesn’t mean they won’t anytime soon.
Who’s The Impostor?
What type of impostor are you? Impostor Syndrome occurs when a successful person doubts their abilities, and fears being caught out as a fraud.
Try, Try, And Try Again
Try, try, and try again. If tales of the rich and famous are anything to go by some of the world’s most successful people would never have made it if the gatekeepers and financiers had their way.
Digital Giants By The Numbers
Tech giants, Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft have dominated the tech industry for several years. These tech giants have created a monopoly in the digital economy and the coronavirus pandemic has made Big Tech domination worse.
The Only Necktie Guide You’ll Ever Need
The modern necktie, worn mostly by men in formal and work environments, hales back to the humble cravat.
Driving Your Brand To Success With Social Media
Social media has become the go-to tool for brand owners over the years. While there are several platforms available,
7 Ways To Navigate The Glass Cliff
You’re probably already familiar with the term “glass ceiling”, the metaphor used to describe barriers that keep women from achieving the highest positions in their job fields.