Reading an entire license agreement can be completely different than understanding a license agreement. There’s confusing jargon, poor spacing and the subject matter is boring as hell. Today’s infographic is a quick recap of what’s in Mac OS X El Capitan’s license agreement, luckily the guy who went through it seems like he’s got a good grasp of understanding.
The Rise of Subscription Commerce
Let’s get one thing straight about subscription services before we start – they’re not saving your money. Sure, every service will advertise that you’re getting double the value of your monthly subscription in your box, but in reality you aren’t. Say you spend $60 on a clothing subscription, don’t be fooled by what they advertise as the MSRP, or worth of those clothes. All subscription services usually are worth about what you pay per month, so that $60/mo clothing subscription will usually net you $60 worth of clothes.
The Cost of Bad Customer Service
Most of us know what it is like to be a customer who feels slighted or provoked into terminating a business relationship or into writing a bad review. For some reason the idea of waiting to talk to a computer to resolve our issues feels just as much hopeless as it does a slap in the face.
Why You Need To Take Online Commerce Seriously
Online commerce vs brick and mortar has always been a common argument. Old, mom and pop shops still look at online commerce like they do Walmart: evil.
Successful People Unsuccessful People
There are two types of people: successful people and unsuccessful people. There are distinct actions people who are successful take that probably keep their counterparts from achieving.
How Branding and Instagram Go Hand-in-Hand
Instagram has become a mega player for promotion of products and services. From local bike shops to international event producers, creating an inviting and creative voice is vital. As an avid Instagram user myself I’ve also witnessed my own transition from funny and artsy pictures of my friends to following big names like Doritos.
Color Psychology In Logo Design
There are thousands of companies marketing themselves to consumers (both prospective and returning) several times per day, all of them with their own unique logo.
The Last 15 Years of Technological Advancement
Since Y2K the advancement of technology has been exponential. Thanks to better internet speeds and innovation competition our obsession with the next big thing has led the tech industry into one of the largest and fastest growing in America.
Which Fortune 500 Has The Best Benefits?
The technology industry is notorious for providing outstanding benefits to their workers. Infinite time off, breakfast, lunch and dinner provided by talented chefs, creative passion exploration, in-office gyms, employee doctors and dentists,
A Breakdown Of Regional Economics In the USA
America is a vast nation, filled with diverse landscapes, weather, people and industries. The different regions of our nation specialize in distinctive commerce depending on their physical and financial environment. When I think West Coast I think technology and renewable energy. Down south there’s Oil and other natural resources. New England reminds me of the financial mark