If you have found yourself in this discouraging situation with debt that you don’t know how to turn around, there is good news. You may be able to get relief through bankruptcy, which is legal way to have your debts forgiven.
Your Pay Per Click (PPC) Checklist
Pay per click advertising is nothing new. Some would argue Google perfected this form of online advertising years ago, but that isn’t quite the case. Like all search and ad systems Google uses, they are constantly updated and changed. Having a persistent marketing manager is vital when evaluating the success of PPC ads.
Your Best Hair Removal Solution
Hair, Hair go away, don’t come back another day.
Hair is so out right now across the board. Men and women both seem to be looking into better ways to rid themselves of hair. Many people have taken advantage of a monthly shave club. These companies advertise much better prices than store-bought products and it is shipped to the customer’s door every month.
How Military Experience Prepares Veterans for an Entrepreneurial Career
Thousands of veterans have been entering the workforce in the last few years and plenty of them are looking into running their own business. The benefits of running a business goes well with a veteran’s work ethic and leadership qualities they acquired while they were in the service. These recent vets are different than the veterans of the 20th century when it comes to post-service employment.
7 Common Blogging Mistakes To Avoid
Blogging is a finicky business. There are so many little options when it comes to content creation and distribution that it is hard to find the right groove.
Is Your Startup Idea Taken?
I tend of have these moments, and I’m sure you do too. They’re called eureka moments and it’s when I think of something like a solution to a problem I believe no one has discovered before. A lot of times these are business ideas, or app ideas.
American Startup Facts for 2015
The startup culture is strong across America. Living in Austin, Tx also helps me experience the influence a startup infused economy has on a city. We have twice a year startup-crawls, where half a dozen startups invite whomever in the startup world to come by, have free drinks and mingle with the employees.
Types of Screws and Bolts [Guide]
Ever needed the simplest, most straightforward guide to screws and bolts? Ask no more.
Optimizing Workflow And Productivity In The Office
According to today’s infographic the average worker only works 1.5 hours a day. I’m not sure about you, but this statistic seems like bullshit. Everyone I know puts quite a few hours everyday at work. Of course there’s a lot of distractions because we all have computers in our pockets, but the stats on this graphic seem ridiculous.
The Biggest Scandal In UK Financial History: The PPI Claims Scandal
With the PPI deadline in possible sight, our team have created this infographic entitled ‘The PPI Claims Scandal: A Brief History’. Though, perhaps a more apt title would have been ‘PPI Claims: A Brief Scandal’…. If you can count nearly 20yrs ‘brief’.