Animals have always been great companions for humans as they are loyal, dependable, and trustworthy. What we tend to forget is that animals can also teach us valuable lessons.
How To Find These Annoying Pests In Your House
When I was younger, I remember my family drawing detailed plans of the house and planning routes of escape if there was ever a fire. We also talked about safe places to hide in my house if there was ever a tornado.
This Dog Has An Inheritance Worth $412 Million
It’s normal to be jealous of famous people and rich tycoons, but there are animals in the world who have more money than most of us.
Easy Ways To Support Your Local Animal Shelter
Millions of animals are taken in by animal shelters every year, and the facilities are in constant need of support. They need food, of course,
The Cute But Controversial Cat Breed That’s Gaining Popularity
I thought I was a dog person until I saw a munchkin cat in real life — they’re cute beyond belief. What is a munchkin cat, and why are they controversial?
16 Ways To Help Your Dog Fight The Summer Heat
In case you somehow missed it, it’s extremely hot outside in most of the U.S. right now. As you relax by the pool with popsicles in-hand, there’s someone else you should consider: Your dog.
What Size Pet Door Should You Buy?
If you’re a pet owner, you’ll know how often your pet wants to go outside. The convenient
Cat Naps: Should You Share A Bed With Your Feline Friends?
As a proud cat owner, I have been guilty of falling asleep with my pets on more than one occasion. But should we share the bed with our furry friends?
How Dog CPR Could Potentially Save Your Pet’s Life
The love between a dog owner and dog can’t be overstated. You want the best for your pet, and you take care of them by planning regular veterinarian visits, buying the best food and spoiling Fido with kisses. You may even be fluent in your dog’s language (body language, that is).
15 Foods That Are Actually Toxic For Dogs
If you’re a dog owner, you’re probably guilty of feeding your pup human food from time to time.