I wonder if anti-vaxxers are against vaccinating their pets too? My guess would be yes, and if vaccines are giving my dog autism maybe I should join in. Haha, just kidding. I’ll vaccinate my pet and myself for anything and everything possible.
The Style High Club: What Our Flight Attendants Are Wearing
Today, airlines turn to celebrated designers to create stylish, aspirational and instantly recognisable uniforms. And just as each airline has its own character and often reflects the country’s culture, cabin crew outfits are also feats of engineering.
How We Can Stop Trucking Accidents
One of the scariest obstacles on any given roadway is driving next to, or behind a massive 18-wheeler. These massive trucks go hurling down the highway with tens-of-tons of cargo and limited visibility. Wrecks occur daily across our nation, and if your accident involves a cargo truck you’re usually not in for just a fender-bender.
Life Spans of the Animal Kingdom
I love today’s infographic. Simple, quick, pleasing color scheme and an interesting topic. I believe putting the lifespan of animals in perspective is something I haven’t focused on since grade school.
Just Married: Your Post-Wedding Checklist
All of that planning, all of that time and money, but what do you do after you’re hitched? First off you need to thank who showed up.
Presidential Candidates Ranked By Their Supporter’s Grammar Knowledge
Today’s infographic gives a unique view into the education level that each candidate is pandering to.
Why You Need To Take Online Commerce Seriously
Online commerce vs brick and mortar has always been a common argument. Old, mom and pop shops still look at online commerce like they do Walmart: evil.
How Branding and Instagram Go Hand-in-Hand
Instagram has become a mega player for promotion of products and services. From local bike shops to international event producers, creating an inviting and creative voice is vital. As an avid Instagram user myself I’ve also witnessed my own transition from funny and artsy pictures of my friends to following big names like Doritos.
Color Psychology In Logo Design
There are thousands of companies marketing themselves to consumers (both prospective and returning) several times per day, all of them with their own unique logo.