

5 Ways To Better Connect To Customers Using NPS Data [interactive]

Behind every Net Promoter Score is a customer looking to communicate. In order to get the most out of your data and truly “wow” customers, it’s important to go beyond the score. Explore this interactive infographic for five unexpected ways to use your Net Promoter Score data to better connect with customers.

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Cyber Security for Family and Teens Infographic

Cyber Security for Family and Teens

The internet is a very vast place where parental boundaries are hard to make. In today’s internet culture of cyberbullying, sexting, social media addiction and inappropriate content it has never been so hard to censor what your child is exposed to. Today’s graphic will give insight on these subjects and help with finding solutions if you find your child being exposed to the harsh sides of the web.

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10 Facts About Diabetes Infographic

10 Facts About Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that causes a person to experience high or low blood sugar levels. There are two types of diabetes, known as type 1 and type 2, with the latter being far more common. Approximately 90% of people with diabetes have type 2.

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Avoid Stress And Reduce Your Blood Pressure Infographic

Avoid Stress And Reduce Your Blood Pressure

When you are stressed, your body’s ‘fight or flight’ response is triggered. This is a short-term reaction, which you’ll probably have noticed in the past. Your heart rate increases, you may feel your muscles tense up, and you will feel a surge in adrenaline. Due to your increase in heart rate, as well as the tenseness in the muscles, your systolic and diastolic pressures will certainly rise.

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Origin and Evolution of Santa Claus Infographic

The Origin and Evolution of Santa

Santa Claus has a rich history pieced together over hundreds of years and a myriad of cultures. Today’s graphic will touch on the most famous and influencing Santa like characters the world has seen. Merry Christmas!

How to sleep on christmas eve infographic

How to Fall Asleep On Christmas Eve

Many adults are as giddy as little kids Christmas morning, but these adults don’t usually have small children. Hence the fact that those who are aged 16 to 24 are the most excited age group for adults when it comes to Christmas morning. Being a parent comes a whole different reason to be excited – Christmas is almost over.

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Build Your Own Technology Stack Infographic

Build Your Own Technology Stack [Interactive]

Click Here for the Interactive Infographic

Software developers are one of the most sought-after positions in tech. Living in Austin, TX and working in the same office as dozens of freelancing developers I can easily see the industry demand. Today’s infographic will help explain the difference between front and back-end developers as well as the jack-of-all-trades, a full-stack developer.

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