Inspired by the little pile of brightly-colored, sweet-smelling orange peels sitting in the empty yogurt cup next to me,
Ridiculous Ways Cyclists be Doping
We know people are doping, but what exactly does “doping” entail? Some wack schtuff, that’s what.
A Simple Guide to Cowboy Hats
Your beloved Stetson has finally bit the dust, or more accurately been bitten by your horse and then trampled in the mud.
The 20 Most Photographed Attractions in the World are Probably Not What You Think
This list is pretty surprising to me. The Eiffel Tower isn’t among the top 20 most photographed attractions? Seriously?
Yes, French is Still an Important Language
For those of us who grew up in places with practically no French speakers, it’s easy to think that
Where Did the Term 420 Come From, Anyway?
With April 20th directly in the rear view, and the parties and protests that accompanied it, you may be wondering
A Proportional Look at the World’s Languages
Data on spoken languages across the entire globe is not that easy to come by and, as the author admits, some of the census data used is over eight years old.
Get You Some London Facts
Being a city that the Romans settled 1,972 years ago comes with some perks, like how there’s been a lot of time for cool stuff to happen within your borders.
The Earth’s Layers are So Cute
If this isn’t the cutest cross section of our Earth you’ve ever seen, I’ll eat my hat.*
The Science of Earthquakes and Fracking
I am fortunate enough to live in a place where earthquakes are practically non-existent.