

current statistics about millennials

15 Ways Millennials Are Changing How We Do Things

Millennials have been given a bad reputation in many media outlets from being blamed for “killing” off certain industries, to having an untraditional outlook on dating. Although there has been a proven shift in generational tendencies, there are many factors at play here.

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a detailed description of how to organize your closet

9 Tips & Tricks For An Organized Closet

Many people struggle to keep up with organization in their bedrooms, and one of the most easily cluttered spaces is the closet. Not only do we tend to hold on to clothes we don’t wear, but there are actually some little-known techniques to organize a closet for maximum efficiency.

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facts about languages

50 Language Facts You Didn’t Know

Did you know over half of the world’s population is bilingual? It makes sense because, throughout the whole world, there are over 7,000 known languages. This isn’t even including made-up languages used for fictional stories, which comes to over 200 fake languages.

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a look at how the cost of living has increased over 60 years

The Cost Of Living Increase Over 60 Years

You might have heard someone from an older generation talk about how cheap things were when they were younger. Compared to now, this is very true. Over the past 60 years, the cost of living has been on a steady incline due to many factors. From the cost of a tank of gas, to a pint of beer, everything one could purchase has increased in price.

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a brief history of how the hashtag started and how it has evolved

A Wild History Of #Hashtags

Hashtags seem like such a normal part of our culture that I almost didn’t believe that they were first invented in 2007. It seems like there is a hashtag for everything from reality TV shows, to really important current events.

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14 Steps For A Better Work-Life Balance

One of the biggest complaints anyone has about their job is the lack of a balance between their work and their life. Younger generations are finding this harder to achieve due to the generally lower salary, while still holding heavy responsibilities in their roles at work.

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