According to the World Health Organization, almost one in four people will suffer from a psychological disorder during their lifetime.
Subtle Signs Of A Serious Anxiety Problem
Everyone suffers from anxiety sometimes. It may be the first day at work, an important presentation or doctor’s visit that gets your blood pressure rising and your heart racing.
13 Ways Singing Can Bring You Health
You may not be singing in a choir any time soon given it is one of the ways that Covid-19 could spread, but there’s plenty of evidence that singing is good for our physical and mental well-being.
The Ancient Craft of Reflexology
Reflexology has its origins in ancient China and is believed to go back to 2330BC. There is also evidence of foot massage on the pyramids of ancient Egypt so it seems it was in general use in ancient times.
Understanding The Horror Movie Addiction
I personally dislike horror movies, but many people like nothing better than to get out the popcorn and take in an adrenalin boosting horror movie.
Read Between The Lies, Pinocchio
Nobody likes to be on the receiving end of a lie, but according to this infographic, lying is a part of everyday life with children learning to lie before they are even three years old.
A Winding History Of The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall of China is, without doubt, one of the greatest engineering feats of the ancient world. According to urban legend, it is the only manmade structure that is visible from the moon.
How Body Language Changes Around The World
Much has been written about body language and how we can use it to read the intentions of others or promote our own agendas. What is surprising is that body language differs, depending on where you happen to be.
Ancient, Beautiful, And Deadly Jellyfish
There are more than 2000 identified types of jellyfish, but there are thought to be thousands more in the depths of the ocean. These beautiful creatures have been around for more than 650 million years.
An Alchemist’s Guide To Literature’s Most Powerful Potions
All of us have indulged in fantasy. From a young age, we’re brought up with stories of magic and enchantment.