Most of us aim to be likable, surrounded by friends and colleagues who find us funny, endearing, or just fun to be around.
Why You Should Choose Your Own Meat
Most of us don’t give too much thought to the origins of the meat that we eat. Perhaps we should.
Why We Can’t Blow The Carbon Budget
Have you heard of the carbon budget? It is the amount of greenhouse gases that the earth can tolerate over a period of time before global warming runs out of control.
Why Being Bilingual Can Change Your Life
English speaking people are particularly lucky. In today’s world, English is the main language of business. Many of us have never bothered to learn another language.
The New Kids On The Block: Gen Z & Alpha
The term “generation gap” has been used since the 1960s. At the time, conservative parents were astonished at how the younger generation seemed compelled to go against everything that they held dear.
Why You Should Care About Global Warming
We’re all aware of the damage that we’re doing to the earth with our carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses. This infographic shows what a difference of just a half degree in temperature can make for life on earth.
How To Write Shakespeare Quality Sonnets
Writing a sonnet is a rare feat, and in my experience not on the average bucket list. However, if you’re hankering after fame and fortune (ala Shakespeare) or even just have time on your hands and thrill at the challenge of writing complicated poetry, you may find these instructions useful.
The Truth Behind How We Create GMOs
We often see articles and content about genetically modified crops. We may hear objections to the use of such, and horror stories of how they may affect nature–or worse still–human health. Yet, how many of us actually know exactly how crops are genetically modified?
Why Website Downtime Can Kill A Business
A few years ago, I used to scan our cable TV guide to check out the movies and TV shows that are scheduled for the week. When I see something I like to watch, I would make sure to mark my calendar or even set an alarm so I wouldn’t miss it.
How To Survive This Era Of Cyber Attacks
The internet has become very useful in our daily lives. It allows us to connect with other people anytime and anywhere we want. Thanks to the internet, there are a lot of companies that offer work from home opportunities which can even make it easier to be seen, be a celebrity, and get famous quickly.