Picking a college isn’t an easy task. There’s a lot of pressure when you’re trying to find a place to spend the best four years of your life.
Check Out This Handy Guide For Easy Toaster Recipes
If you’re like me, you’ve never looked at a toaster oven as anything more than the middleman between you and your morning bagel. Did you know that it is capable of so much more?
Here’s What It’s Actually Like To Live On Minimum Wage
Minimum wage differs from state to state. If you’re lucky enough to live in Seattle, you’ll make at least $15 an hour as an entry-level employee.
Here Are The Perfect Sauces For Each Type of Pasta
You either love pasta or you’re lying. Whether it’s a microwave dinner or a fancy Italian restaurant, I can’t get enough carb-filled goodness.
How To Make The Perfect Cup Of Coffee Using The Pour-Over Method
I’ll admit it: I’m not much of a coffee drinker. Well, at least not “real” coffee. My morning routine consists of driving through a coffee chain and getting a large iced coffee with extra cream and sugar (if you’re a coffee connoisseur, you’re probably cringing right about now).
The Secret To Mastering A Musical Instrument
Have you ever wanted to learn a musical instrument? If you don’t already play, you’re probably one of the 85% of people that wish they could play an instrument.Many people want to learn guitar, probably simply because it has that “cool factor.”
Cleaning Hacks To Make Your Bathroom Sparkle
There’s nothing more satisfying than having a squeaky clean bathroom and seeing all that scrubbing finally pay off.
The Craziest Things You Can Eat Around Your House
So you’re feeling a little bit hungry, but all your favorite takeout restaurants are closed and you don’t feel like cooking. What do you do next?
Then And Now: Analyzing Childhood Dream Jobs
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress and a model. What can I say? I had a lot of faith in myself. My backup plan was to be an astronaut if everything else failed.
Trying to Buy a Home as a Millennial? Check This Out
Buying a house for the first time is a huge step for anyone –– it definitely seems like the pinnacle of #adulting. If you’re a millennial who owns a home, I immediately assume you have your life together.