
The Pay Gap

Pay Gap

Did you know that today, April 9 2013 is Equal Pay Day? Happy Equal Pay Day! This day represents the strides towards equal pay that have been made already, and also the pay gap that currently exists between genders. In today’s infographic, NerdWallet details the history of the gender pay gap, the professions with the largest and smallest pay gaps, and lists the cities with the lowest pay gap. A lot of valuable information, so get reading!

Large strides have been made to minimize the pay gap, but we still aren’t at even just yet. According to today’s infographic, women working full time make 77% of what men earned. That statistic carries by location and profession, but as an average we have a bit of work to do.

As women, we should begin an effort to close this gap. Be informed of the average salary of your position, don’t be afraid to negotiate, and be confident. You deserve equal pay, so go get it! [Via]

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