
Google Music vs. Itunes & Amazon

Google Music Vs. Itunes & Amazon

Hooray! I get to post a completely pro-Google infographic! If you don’t know, I love Google and hate Apple, mainly because of Apple’s uncanny ability to milk every last penny out of their customer base. Google, once again, has produced one of the greatest mobile apps, for completely free.

Google Music is a free music cloud storage and streaming solution. When I first heard of Google Music, I could not believe it. Free streaming of my entire 15,000+ song library? I’m there. Not only that, Google Music’s app works 99% of the time, even with slow internet.

Now I’m not going to say that my Google Music app will be obsolete soon, but it will. I’m sure I’ll be making the switch to Spotify Mobile shortly. Not because I don’t like my Google, but when entertaining as many new musical artists as I do, all the downloading and record storing takes up too much time. I’m getting older now and I don’t have time to hipster out on obscure music blogs all day. I need a service that can do some of the work for me with similar artist functions and app capabilities. I’m sorry to all you online music stores, instant music streaming is the only option for the future. Now I just can’t wait until Google comes out with a free version of Spotify Mobile. [Via]

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