
Coupon Codes At Home

Coupon Codes At Home

As a college student, I’m more than adept at cashing in a coupon every now and then. Whether it’s free ice cream with my purchase, $2 off shoes at the bowling alley, or a simple buy one, get one free offer, I view it as a no brainer to exchange a little piece of paper in order to get a little knocked off the normal service price. I’m sure you do as well. But savings don’t always come in paper form. Today’s infographic delves into a coupon system that’s a little less physical, but could potentially save you thousands of dollars on a multitude of products and appliances.

The infographic shows how much people saved on average with the use of a coupon code or online coupon. It gives a breakdown of the saving by product, which include $259 on a Dell laptop, $300 on a gas grill, and $1002 on an LG refrigerator. Smartphone users are in luck, there are many apps for online coupons. You can also find online coupons via your favorite search engine if you can’t find an app you like. Share your best sites for saving in the comment box and enjoy the rest of your hump day! [Via]

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