
A Retailer’s Heart-On for Valentine’s Day

A Retailer’s Heart-On for Valentine’s Day Infographic

With Valentine’s Day around the corner I thought I would go ahead and share this infographic I found. I’m not sure if I believe this, but according to today’s infographic Retailer’s Get Their Heart-On For Valentine’s Day people are expected to spend $17 billion. Simply because of the nature of the “holiday” it is not surprising to see that men are projected to spend twice as much as women come this Tuesday. Although the popularity of shopping at discount stores for gifts is decreasing it still remains the number one source for gifts for your significant other.

However you feel about Valentine’s Day today’s infographic has some pretty interesting facts and figures. I’m sure soon enough online shopping will gain some ground on discount stores, but then that would require some planning on the buyer’s part. [via]

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