
Give It Up For The Women Who Lead in Cybersecurity

statistics of women working in cybersecurity in Fortune 500 companies

Underrepresentation of women in technology has long been a debated topic.  As we end Women’s History Month in the United States, here’s a spotlight on an industry known for its lack of gender diversity, cybersecurity.

There are approximately 65 female Fortune 500 cybersecurity leaders compared to the 399 that are male. It’s been found that only 13% of these companies have women in top cybersecurity positions.

While the majority of these women have a degree in a mathematical subject, there are also plenty that come from other academic backgrounds.

15% of female cybersecurity leaders in Fortune 500 companies have been working in their field for more than three decades. Some big companies that have female Chief Information Officers or Chief Information Security Officers include: Travelers, Oracle, Verizon, FedEx, Valero, Prudential Financial, and Caterpillar, just to name a few.

Some words of wisdom were also included in the infographic. Myrna Soto, who used to work as the CISO at Comcast, encourages others to get out of your comfort zone, do things that are new, and grow from them.